Anzol+ aims to promote environmentally sustainable, efficient, innovative, competitive and knowledge-based fishing. Working directly with fishermen, we aim to foster the implementation of measures and good practices in the capture and manipulation of marine resources, always in a balance between the preservation of resources and their economic exploitation. We want to create an appropriate management system, which translates into an appreciation of fish.


Anzol+ arose following our work with fishermen operating around Peniche harbour and Berlengas Archipelago.




  • To create a system for valuing fishing products caught within the Berlengas Biosphere Reserve area (UNESCO)
    Applicable to small-scale fishing and taking into account environmental, economic and social sustainability criteria
  • To contribute to the collection of information and monitoring of fisheries resources and line fishing (hook and longline) in the Berlengas Reserve
  • To create a sustainable guide to this fishing that will ensure the continuation of good practice beyond the lifetime of the project
  • To raise awareness among the fishing community of the importance of partnerships between fishermen and researchers
  • To foster the creation of a network of valuation processes
  • Promote the training of fishermen for sustainability