local_icon Local Portugal Continental

Tipo Estágio/Mestrado

icon_preco Honorários Não-remunerado

Enviar Candidatura

Main objective

The main goal is to explore the spatio-temporal interactions between seabirds and commercial fisheries in Portugal mainland waters.


Available data

Since 2005, vessel surveys are being performed to collect abundance, distribution and behaviour data of seabirds at Portugal mainland waters, using ESAS (European Seabirds at Sea) methodology. All data will be available for analysis. The student may take part in some at sea surveys during the internship period. Meanwhile, AIS (Automatic Information System) data on distribution (both spatial and temporal) is available for boats (length > 15m) operating in the same area, at Global Fishing Watch portal from 2012 onwards. For smaller than 15m boats, interviews to fishermen are being performed at a non-regular basis since 2009. Finally, data on fishing gear characterizations is available from the national and European fishing authorities.


Proposed tasks

  • Analysis of seabird and fisheries data
  • Collect data during boat surveys (optional)
  • Take part on fieldwork missions, related or not with the topic (optional)
  • Submit the work in a peer-reviewed journal


Framework of the topic

  • Is the topic part of an ongoing project/study? Yes: funded project
  • Is there any financial support? Yes: fieldwork/material



Nuno Oliveira, Marine Conservation Department | nuno.oliveira@spea.pt


Outras oportunidades

Propostas de temas de estágio/tese de mestrado na SPEA 2024

Oportunidades de voluntariado