In Anzol+ we work with fishing gear designated as hook gear.



Longline fishing consists of a line of varying length (the mainline), to which numerous short lines (snoods) are connected, with a hook tied at the free end of each snood. These devices are baited with horse mackerel, mackerel, squid, Henslow’s swimming crab or artificial bait, which is organized in small boxes, or «celhas».


The length and distance between snoods, as well as hook type and size, vary according to the target species. The longline can also be set along the bottom or dropped in the middle of the water column, commonly referred to as demersal longline.


The weights and buoys are important components of this fishing gear. Their number will depend on the depth of fishing, which in turn depends on the target species.


The target species are the European seabass, the Gilthead seabream for the demersal longline, and the European conger for the bottom longline.


Longline is highly selective when compared to other gears and does not cause damage to the seabed. In addition, the catch is quite untouched, which increases its market value.


Technical information and legislation (in Portuguese)

ilustração mostrando a arte do palangre



This gear includes fishing rod, lines and one or more hooks. Hooks can have various shapes and dimensions and be baited with live or dead bait, or artificial. The most sought-after bait is Henslow’s swimming crab, as it is the food most appreciated by the target fish species. Mackerel and horse mackerel also often serve as live bait.


Fish are attracted by the bait placed on the fixed hook at the end of a line, on which they are caught. Usually a rod with multiple hooks is used to capture live bait, such as horse mackerel. A sinker is also used to make the line and hook reach the desired depth. The target species of this type of gear are: John Dory, European seabass, and white seabream.


pescador a pescar à cana


Angling is highly sustainable because it is adaptable and very selective in every respect. In addition, the caught fish are not damaged which represents an increased value in the price.


This gear requires a lot of waiting time, patience and concentration. However, fishermen claim that it gives them much enjoyment.


Technical information and legislation (in Portuguese)