Duration May 2024 a April 2031

Subject Sea Birds, Environmental Education, Invasive Species, Habitat protection, Volunteering, Ecological restoration

Region Faro, Setúbal

In LIFE RestoreSeaGrass we aim to ensure stability in open coast seagrass restoration and long-term seagrass habitat conservation and restoration in salt pans. This project will find a balance among exploration of saltpans, restoration of seagrass and conservation of biodiversity, ensuring the needs of waders and seabirds (e.g. Little Tern, European Shag, Kentish Plover and Common Redshank).



  • Ensure the conservation of seagrass meadows which are well-established but at risk of loss, by working with local managers and users to stop actions that promote the mechanical removal of seagrass
  • Replant seagrass in suitable habitats where threats have been removed but natural dispersal and establishment has not taken place, allowing initial recovery and continued persistence through natural growth
  • Demonstrate a solution to obtain biomass from critically rare marine plant species for restoration, integrating it into a sustainable and mutually beneficial multi-trophic aquaculture
  • Demonstrate, for the first time in Europe, an official accreditation on the global carbon market of the carbon stocks retained and sequestered by the conservation and restoration of seagrass habitats for carbon footprint offsetting


Project website





Total eligible cost: 7.842.217€

EU contribution: 5.881.663 €

National contribution: 1.960.554€